Chapter 3: Creating Empowering Learning Experiences

There is a difference between engagement and empowerment. When we talk about empowering our learners, we mean that we are empowering them to develop the skills and motivation to find and solve meaningful problems. This chapter explores what it means to empower learners and gives specific examples that can be applied to your school, classroom and workplace.

Further Reading

Further Viewing

Questions for Discussion

  1.  If we look at what students are doing in the classroom as a sign of effectiveness of their teacher, what are some examples of things you would look for from students to signify great learning?
  2. What are some examples of “empowering learning” in your classrooms for students and in your school/organization as professionals? How are you empowered as an educator, and how does that empower students in learning?
  3. Curiosity and questioning are keys to empowered learning. What are some ways you can help students develop powerful questions to spark their curiosity?

Chapter 2: Learner-Driven, Evidence Informed

There is a difference between being data-driven and evidence-informed. When we think of data, we think of numbers and tables of information; when we think of evidence, we include those numbers and tables and also consider ideas and thinking that has been shared, interactions that we have had, and overall growth that has been achieved. In this chapter, we provide innovative strategies that can be used to help our students see the larger purpose of learning. 

Further Reading

Further Viewing

Questions for Discussion

  1. What might a wider definition of success be for your students or your community? How can you get your students involved in defining success for themselves in short- and long-term planning?

  2. What evidence can be used to inform student goals and progress beyond scores? Share with others how you use this evidence to create better learning opportunities for your students.

  3. How do you leverage the strengths of the learners you serve in your classroom, school, or organization?

Part I: The Core of Innovative Teaching and Learning

There are certain components that, when in place, make truly successful learning possible and more likely. These four elements make up what we have decided to call “The Core” (as seen to the right):

  • Relationships
  • Learner-Driven, Evidence Informed
  • Creating Empowering Learning Experiences
  • Educators who Serve as Master Learner

In this graphic, relationships are at the center because without them, anything we attempt to achieve will be much more difficult. Starting at the core, relationships, and working our way outwards, we can unleash powerful experiences for all of those who we choose to foster strong relationships with. So, moving forward with Innovate Inside the Box, remember to read, reflect, connect, share and shine!

Chapter 1: Relationships

Positive interactions only take a few seconds and can be the best part of someone’s day. How do we show others that we care? What impact does this have on others? How has the caring of others impacted us? While boundaries are important, they can still be enforced when we create positive interactions and develop strong relationships. The purpose of this chapter is to give examples of how strong relationships are built and how every interaction matters. Consider the next two questions as you read this chapter on relationships…Who was the best part of your day? How will you be the best of someone else’s day?

Further Reading

Further Viewing

Questions for Discussion

  1. How do you build relationships and know your students as individuals inside and outside of your classroom?
  2. Think of two or three who influenced you as a student, either positively or negatively. How has that made an impact on you today?
  3. Share a story on social media (blog or video) on a time that you saw an impact of “relationships” as a learner or teacher. Please share to #InnovateInsideTheBox.