Here you will find all of the images that guide the chapters of Innovate Inside the Box. You can download each image by clicking on it and saving it to your computer! We would love to see how you are using these, so please share to the hashtag, #InnovateInsideTheBox on Twitter and #InnovateInsideTheBox on Instagram!
The Core of Innovative Teaching and Learning
This image summarizes part one of Innovate Inside the Box. The purpose of this image is to help us focus on ways that we can help our learners be more successful now and throughout their lives. As always, you will notice that relationships are at the center of everything!
The Core of Innovative Teaching and Learning & The 8 Characteristics of The Innovator’s Mindset
This image is referred to throughout the entire book and serves to remind us of the importance of relationships, which is at the center of this graphic. As you read, you will notice that each part of this core is a chapter in the book!
10 Ideas for Classroom Culture
The first chapter, Relationships, asks the question “what might happen to the culture of your school if educators (all of us) made these similar investments in one another as colleagues?” This chapter also reminds us, “you will be amazed at how simple, heartfelt words can improve relationships with your peers and change the entire school.” The image below gives some strategies on how to make a more positive classroom culture.
8 Characteristics of the Innovator’s Mindset
Part 2 of The Innovator’s Mindset is where Katie Novak is introduced. She and George work to give easily applied strategies to help bring the “8 Characteristics of the Innovator’s Mindset” to your classroom, school site or work environment!
5 Questions to Ask Your Students To Start the School Year
The last chapter, You Are the Core, asks, “How would knowing the answers to these questions for our students, both from the educator perspective and the student perspective, help shape a much more positive classroom experience?”