Here you will find all of the images that are described in the Innovate Inside the Box audiobook! George and Katie work to describe each image, but here you will find the images that were published in the printed version of Innovate Inside the Box.
The Core
Part One of Innovate Inside the Box describes each section shown in the core below:
The Core of Innovative Teaching and Learning & The 8 Characteristics of The Innovator’s Mindset
Part Two builds on The Core and spends one chapter describing each of the 8 characteristics that are essential to having an innovator’s mindset. This is where Katie comes in as well, to give examples and lessons that apply each one of the eight characteristics of an innovator’s mindset individually.
Fixed Mindset and Growth Mindset Responses
This table, as described in the introductory chapter, Because of a Teacher, as shared in the book, The Growth Mindset Coach, by Annie Brock and Heather Hundley, explains how the fixed mindset and the growth mindset person would respond when placed in five different situations.
George added an extra column to help himself and others take the necessary next step from a growth mindset to an Innovator’s Mindset:
Education Decision-Making Flowchart
This flow chart, as described in the chapter, Becuase of Teacher, is meant to help in situations when you are feeling stuck or when you are unsure of how to move around barriers.
2022 Skill Outlook from The World Economic Forum:
There are skills that go beyond those of academic achievement. When looking at this chart from The World Economic Forum, we can see that some of these skills cannot be described with a grade in school:
What Questions Are Learners Asking
This image, created by Katie Martin, helps us understand whether or not our learners are getting a deep value out of their learning experiences:
Compliance, Engagement, Empowerment
This table shows the connection and levels between compliance, engagement, and empowerment:
The Process of Innovation in Teaching and Learning
The flowchart below is a continuous cycle that helps us understand what is best for each individual learner:
Core Principles Template
The three templates below are meant to get discussions started while using the core principles described in the first chapters of this book:
8 Characteristics of The Innovator’s Mindset
Part Two describes each of the characteristics shown in this graphic:
Universal Design for Learning Guidelines
This chart, provided by UDL Guidelines, shows the three main principles of UDL and offers ways to support learners who may be struggling in certain areas:
Equity, Equality, Expert Learning
This image shows the differences between equity, equality, and expert learning: